Haye kis but ki mohabbat ghazal by K.L Saigal

Narrated Abu Musa: "That the Prophet said to him 'O Abu Musa! You have been given one of the musical wind-instruments of the family of David.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues of the Qur'an, Volume 6, Book 61, Number 568)"
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Haye kis but ki mohabbat ghazal by K.L Saigal

Haye kis but ki mohabbat ghazal by K.L Saigal

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Haye kis butt ki mohabbat mein gariftaar haalat hai,Zindagi talkh hui jeenay se bezaar haalat hai, the initial verses of Haye kis but ki mohabbat by K.L Saigal. K.L Saigal was probably a ghazal king, a music legend who left us so early but his music will surely be ever living. As I said in the previous post of Begum Akhtar's ghazal Dewaana Banaana Hai Tou that he was the best ever ghazal artist. Personally, This guy K.L Saigal is my favorite most artist no matter if you talk about modern music or old he's always going to be on the top of my list. Haye kis but ki mohabbat ghazal by him is a real perfection but it's always hard to understand the poetry that K.L Saigal chose to sing. Haye kis but ki mohabbat is kind of a spiritual ghazal that links God in it & the way K.L Saigal sings is worth a million dollars i'm sure, beyond any doubt.


Sorry! We didn't found the lyrics/poetry of this ghazal anywhere.We're trying hard to find them through books or any online source and as soon as we'll find them, the lyrics will be on the screen.
If you want to help in the providing of lyrics of this ghazal, contact us at: devilsatan0901@gmail.com or leave a comment below, we'll be very thankful.


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